June 9, 2018
Batch size: 10 gallons
- 17 lbs Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner Malt
- 5.6 oz Weyerman Aciduated Malt
- 6 oz Weyermann CaraBohemian Malt 75°L
- Hallertau 4.0 AA
- Spalter Select
The Boil
50 minutes:
- Hallertau 1.5 oz
- Spalter Select 2.0 oz
10 minutes:
- Hallertau 1.0 oz
- Spalter Select 1.5 oz
2 minutes:
- Hallertau 0.5 oz
- Spalter Select 1.0 oz
After flameout:
- Spalter Select 0.7 oz
- Saflager W-34/70 Lager Dry Yeast (fermented at 50 degrees)
- lallemand Belle Saison yeast (fermented in the high 70’s)
Other Info
- OG 1.05
- 2 oz less CaraBohemian malt compared to last time
Our first attempt at achieving the perfect malty and slightly hoppy lager was nearly a success. The color was amber with a very crisp flavor. The beer had a slight hop presence but could use more for bittering and aroma. Caramel flavor is pleasant but definetly noticeable. For this batch we decided to slightly increase our use of hops and slightly decrease the use of caramel malt. The batch was split between a lager and saison fermentation. Can’t wait to see what a difference the yeast makes in identical worts!
A portion of the beer will be bottled with boiled spruce tip water and maple syrup for carbonation.
Our next batch will replace one pound of Pilsner malt with a pound of Munich as a test to fine tune this recipe.