Blue Ox Malt Sensory

Oct 2 2022 - Comet IPA


85% Yankee Pils

10% Flaked Oats

5% Red Wheat


30 min 0.2oz Comet

0 min 2.0oz Comet

Dry 6.0oz Comet

Oct 22 2022 - IPA


70% Yankee Pils

15% Pale Ale

10% Flaked Oats

5% Red Wheat


30 min 0.2oz Centennial

0 min 2.0oz Centennial

Dry 9.7oz Strata / 3.0oz Amarillo / 3.0oz CTZ

Jan 6 2023 - IPA


85% Pale Ale

10% Flaked Oats

5% Red Wheat


30 min 0.2oz Centennial

0 min 2.0oz Centennial


Notes Oct 2 2022

Malt base is very fresh & light. Could even use more oats or wheat to build body. Next round will incorporate a bit more 🙂 Comet hops suprised us in a good way. Resinous with a present citrus quality. A good base backround hop to build around. We trialed adding 2oz of Idaho 7 hops in the dry hop part way through drinking and the flavor is amazing. Citrus, resin and a pinch of fruit notes come through.

Notes Oct 22 2022

Dry hop with just Strata was very strawberry forward with a touch of dank charicter. With Amarillo the flavor was a bit more round and full. With the addition of CTZ,
